#3 Pokemon Pokeball Light Projector Swing Keychain – Raikou

Pokemon Pokeball Light Projector Swing Keychain – Raikou

    Pokemon Pokeball Light Projector Swing Keychain – Raikou

    Product Description

    Hidden within these Pokeballs are your favorite Pokemon characters waiting to be released! Find a dark room and aim at a wall or ceiling. Press the on/off button and presto! You can cast the image of a pokemon character on the wall or ceiling! These unassuming pokeballs are actually little light/image projectors on a ball keychain.
    You can even use it, to a lesser extent, as a flashlight, as it will illuminate enough for you to see your way. Optimum viewing (focus and clarity) distance is about 60cm (2 ft) from the wall. At about 2.5 m (8 feet), you can get an image as large as 100cm (42 inches) across!
    Batteries are included.